Monday, November 1, 2010


all's quiet on the western front. at least at apt 607. Ellen, stone and ryan are down for the count after a hard morning playing out back and riding horses (stick type, 1 each) and PBJ for lunch. E just came in the room so above is amended. Stone brought a store-bought stick horse with him today. It has a brown and white plush head and if you pinch its ear it goes clippity clop and whinnies. He gave it to Ryan in exchange for a 3' long tree limb he found in the back yard. Now they are both ecstatic with their trusty steeds. E doesn't allow sticks inside (horses or guns either) so Stone traded the tree limb for a broom handle when they came inside. They're both sawing logs in the ol' bunkhouse (livingroom floor) for a while. It's almost 1:30 and moms will be be here around 3:30. We'll see if they wake before moms get here. Happy Trails Buckaroos.

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