Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I'm sitting at my laptop, looking out the window to a great autumn view of leaves and trees. A squirrel is running back and forth gathering acorns that have fallen among the leaves. It rained last night and it's still overcast making for a quiet cozy 7AM day-before-Thanksgiving. Ellen is still abed (unusual for her) and I hear the muffled sound of the little girls who live upstairs as they stir around on their Fall Break. It don't get much better than this

Yesterday Stone and Ryan (and Cole) were here most of the day and the boys played and watched videos all day. They really enjoy being together and I hope that last for a hundred years. It Don't get much better...

Last night we watched David and Cole, Nic and Krista and friends play volleyball at the church building. They won both of their games soundly and Ellen and I got to play with Ryan some more. It Don't get.....

We are having the kids over for Thanksgiving breakfast Thursday before they take off to see the in-laws. We were all together last Saturday at David and Cole's for our family Thanksgiving. Had Enchiladas, Mexican cornbread, Taco salad and cheese cake and played Trivia Pursuit. It don't get much...

God has blessed us so much this year I can't even start to enumerate. I can just say, "It don't get much better than this."

Have a wonderful holiday season

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