Friday, June 25, 2010


It's hot out there! Just in case someone is in Alaska or the South Pole or hasn't been out of the house in a month. We try to stay inside out of the 90+ weather but venture out once in a while to go to church, the grocery store or work in the food bank. I worked in the food bank Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon. Had over 40 families come in during each of the 2.5 hour shifts. There are 2 shifts a day on Monday thru Thursday. The economy isn't getting much better around here. I'm just glad God has blessed the Park Plaza brethren with open hearts and liberal pockets.

We have really enjoyed having the grandsons over frequently to cool off in the Apartment pool. We sure miss not being able to see our other son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter but keep praying that things will improve in that area.

Doug and Nic took the Bustron robot see previous post) to a bus manufacturers meeting in Arlington, Tex. last weekend. I think Doug and the bot go to Chicago this weekend. We still get to keep Stone on Mondays and Tuesdays this summer. Guess he will be in school this fall so that will end the weekly visits.

Ryan is growing like a weed, talking and singing the alphabet. Cole is keeping busy and has won the "Biggest Lower" prize with the weight control group at church. She hooks Ryan in a trailer behind her bike and goes 6 miles or more even in this heat.

Stone is 3 yoa now and talking up a storm. sometimes sulls up when I don't let him have his way but he comes by it natural. Got brave enough to stand alone on shallow end of pool last week. Will probably swim before end of summer.

David is going back to Florida next week to work on the flight safety trainers they sold earlier this year.

Nic and Krista are getting married in August so the engaged and their mothers are buzzing around getting ready for the big event. Father of the groom doesn't have to do much so I'm just chillin' till the day.

Guess El & I will get up early and go to the farmers' market (hippy style) before it gets too hot Saturday morning. We may take a dip in the pool when we get back.

God bless you all.

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