Wow! It's been a whal since I put anything on this here blog.
NOW Not a bunch of new stuff goin' on. We continue to walk. Mostly around La Fortune Park. 3.2 miles in 1.3 hours. Since we are keeping Stone on Mondays and Fridays now, we use this as an excuse for not walking the trails on those days. But we make up for it on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. On Thursday we walk in the morning and work the food bank for 3 hours in the afternoon. The food bank served about 300 families during the month of September and it will probably serve even more each month until the economy turns around. Park Plaza is the workingest, givingest congregation I have ever seen. The food bank is just one of a whole bunch of things People do at Park Plaza. We just praise God that He has given us the will and the way to glorify Him in this way.
I have been asked to coordinate part of the new "Furniture" mission the church will be starting soon. We will pick up used furniture, refurbish it and give it to those in need. I will coordinate the pick up and delivery schedule. Others with vehicles will do the actual transporting of the furniture and still others will work on the cleaning and minor repairs. There are also plans to open a clothing outreach store in the new building we have leased next to the church property. It already houses the church offices, Iglesia de Christo, Deaf church and counseling service and will house the furniture and clothing outreach. The food bank, at least for now, will remain in the main church building.
Stone and Ryan are growing like weeds. I can only assume that Megan is doing well since her parents are not speaking to us. David & Nichole are going to the Dominican Republic to work with their missionary friends Kyle and Vicki Graham for a week. That's coming up in two weeks and we will get to keep Ryan for part of that week. It's a blast to watch Stone and Ryan play together. They were both here yesterday, laughing and chasing like a couple of otters.
Doug and Nic have been busy with there work and some extra-curricular activities.Nic is working on the body of his car and will soon have it looking like new. We are going this morning to an open house at Doug's work where he has built a 15 foot tall robot out of spare bus parts that talks and squats and bends at the waste and flexes its arms and fingers. Can't wait to see that.
THENWhat started this session is that I woke up about 4 AM thinking about a chore I had in my youth. When we first moved to the farm and Daddy was trying to make a living "off the land", we had 2 mules and some farm equipment he used to work the land to raise crops. He tried peanuts and corn and some other things but nothing seemed to do much good on the sand hill where we lived.
In the summer, when Daddy was working in the field, Mother would draw some cold well water, put it in a mason jar, wrap it in a wet dishtowel and send me the quarter mile to take the water to my Dad. When I arrived to where he was working, he would take a big drink of the still cold water and I would bury the remainder in the sand under a shade tree at the edge of the field.
This made me think about Christ's admonition about a cup of cold water for a prophet and the song we sing about "just a cup of water". This made me think of the song from the much maligned musical full-length cartoon/live of Walt Disney's "Song of the South" If my memory serves me, Uncle Remus, the main character in the movie, sang a song about "It's what you do with what you got, and never mind how much you got, that pays off in the end." I guess that goes along with the "Widows Mite" too don't it. Since my mind and strength have both gone south, I'll have to be satisfied with sacking groceries and singing hymns and periodically writing in this blog to glorify God. Hallelujah anyway.